Burlington County Divorce Lawyer

Burlington County Divorce Lawyer

Law Offices

Dissolving a marriage in Burlington County can be emotionally draining and legally complex. When facing such a challenging situation, choosing the right divorce lawyer is crucial. At Trimble Law, we understand the intricacies of Burlington County divorce and provide compassionate guidance and unwavering legal representation every step of the way.

We have helped countless clients navigate the often-turbulent waters of divorce, securing favorable outcomes in contested and uncontested cases alike.

If you are considering a divorce attorney in Burlington County, we invite you to reach out to our law office at (856)-218-6200. Request a free consultation to discuss your unique situation and discover how Trimble Law can provide the personalized support and guidance you need during this challenging time.

Our Area of Expertise

With years of experience and dedication to offering personalized legal options, we provide an extensive array of legal disciplines to satisfy your specific requirements. Our team of lawyers are available to advise you on several legal issues, to make certain your legal rights and interests are secured.

How much does a child custody lawyer cost

Family Law

Our family law attorneys in South Jersey are committed to delivering complete customized legal details to your specific case. We understand the ins and outs of family law and are ready to help you with several family-related issues. Whether you're struggling with a divorce , child custody challenges, or spousal support worries, our skilled South Jersey family lawyers are here to help. We ensure that our legal services are tailored to your requirements, constantly working for the most efficient possible solution for your family.

Personal Injury

Personal Injury

When you've experienced injuries, emotional suffering, or property loss as a result of someone else's carelessness, our experienced attorneys who specialize in personal injury in South Jersey are committed to advocating for the protection of your rights. We understand the mental and emotional impact that accidents may have, and we're ready to assist you in getting the financial help you deserve. We offer strong and caring legal counsel to defend your rights in anything from bike-related injuries to a wide spectrum of personal injury situations.

Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Estate planning is an important part of dealing with your financial situation and ensuring your desires are carried out. Our skilled estate lawyers in South Jersey are available to help you create a thorough plan that secures your assets and shields your beneficiaries from unnecessary financial difficulties. Effective planning for your assets not only reduces tax consequences but also provides you a piece of mind. We offer empathetic and committed assistance to assist you in making plans.

Personal Injury

Compensation for Employees

If you've been injured at work, our team of skilled workers' compensation lawyers in South Jersey is ready to protect your rights and argue on your behalf. Workplace injuries may have a tremendous impact on the quality of your life, and our knowledgeable NJ Workers' Compensation attorneys are ready to fight for the reimbursement you deserve. We're dedicated to guiding you through the complexity of workers' compensation and getting you back on the right track.

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Civil Law

Civil law can be complicated, but when you hire our best civil lawyer in South Jersey as your defense attorney, you can anticipate individual attention, empathy and dedication to getting the best possible resolution for the situation you're in. Our dedicated team of attorneys handles a wide range of civil cases, including tort claims, contract violations, and landlord/tenant disputes. As your experienced civil rights lawyers in South Jersey, we are here to safeguard your rights and guarantee that your case is settled with the best possible outcome.

Municipal Court/ DUI

DUI/Municipal Court

When you are facing charges for traffic infractions, DUI crimes, or other municipal court problems, you need a qualified South Jersey Municipal Court lawyer to offer you professional counsel and assistance. As a former Municipal Court prosecutor, we understand the value of skilled counsel. DUIs and traffic offences can have major ramifications for your driving rights, driving record, and insurance premiums. We are committed to protecting your legal rights and achieving the best possible settlement in municipal court and DUI cases.

Why Trimble Law?

Choosing the right legal representation is pivotal, and Trimble Law stands out as your trusted partner for several compelling reasons.

Expertise and Experience

With years of experience in family law and a record of accomplishment in successful cases, Trimble Law brings a wealth of expertise to the table. Our seasoned attorneys are well-versed in the intricacies of divorce and family legal matters.

Personalized Approach

We recognize that every case is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach does not suffice. Trimble Law takes a personalized approach, tailoring our strategies to the specific needs and priorities of each client.

Satisfied Clients

Our past record speaks for itself. We fight tirelessly for our clients, securing fair settlements, favorable custody arrangements, and equitable property divisions.

Comprehensive Services

From legal consultations and mediation to courtroom representation, Trimble Law offers a comprehensive suite of services. We provide end-to-end support, ensuring that you have a reliable ally at every stage of your legal journey.


Embarking on the journey of divorce in Burlington County, NJ, can be emotionally taxing, and seeking a consultation with an experienced family law attorney offers numerous advantages. Here is why scheduling a consultation with Trimble Law is a crucial step in navigating your divorce:

Burlington County Divorce Attorney Free Consultation – Trimble Law

Scheduling a consultation for divorce with Trimble Law in Burlington County, NJ, is a pivotal step in gaining clarity, understanding your legal options, and charting a course for your divorce journey. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward a well-informed and empowered approach to your divorce case.

Keith R. Trimble, Esq

Reach Out to Us

If you are going through a difficult divorce in South Jersey and need skilled legal advice, don't hesitate to contact Trimble Law. We recognize the significance of having the best legal representation during this vital occurrence, and we're glad to assist you.

Get in touch with us at (856)-218-6200 to request a divorce lawyer in NJ for free consultation, where you may discuss your particular case and inquire about your choices with one of our professional divorce attorneys.

Trimble Law


Our experienced team will help you handle the stress of any legal matter and will get you back to your life and what is important to you.


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